en route baby:
what to do when baby arrives before help does

ISBN: 978-1-939288-24-0
LCCN: 2013946912
148 Pages, 5.25 x 8
$12.99, Trade Paperback
Pub Date: SEPTEMBER 2013

“Dads, pay attention! Emergency childbirth procedures can be read in less time than the manual that came with your plasma TV. It can happen quickly, so be prepared.”
—Benjamin Atkinson, delivered baby #3 before midwife arrived

“Essential information for parents-to-be, and anyone who unexpectedly has to deliver a baby!” —Randall M. Webb. M.D., OB/GYN, specialty high-risk deliveries

“I hope En Route Baby is a massive hit!”
—Steve Jones, author, Brand Like a Rock Star

Jennifer Slater

Jennifer Slater, author of En Route Baby: What To Do When Baby Arrives Before Help Does, spent years researching childbirth procedures and interviewing other parents who had to deliver their own babies, sharing the complications they faced as well as the many similarities they experienced during the last trimester of their pregnancies.

In addition to numerous public speaking and presentation opportunities, Jennifer works through the Department of Safety training police officers in emergency childbirth procedures.

Jennifer has been credited for introducing the concept of being prepared for unusually fast childbirth and the health of newborns who’ve opted for a surprise entrance.










Have you ever imagined having to deliver a baby by yourself? Could you do it?

When Jennifer Slater had to deliver her own baby in the back of a jeep as her husband raced toward the hospital, she realized many of the mistakes she made that morning could have cost her son his life.

Jennifer knew how little we’re taught about the few crucial steps that need to be taken if ever surprised by an extremely fast labor—it happens more often than you might think! So she put this simple, but powerful book together to help others who might find themselves delivering en route.

In this book readers will learn:

• what to expect if contractions suddenly race from 5 minutes apart to mere seconds

• what to do every step of the way until reaching the hospital

• the best position a mother should get into if she starts delivering the baby in the car

• what to do if the baby doesn’t start crying

• new information about cutting the umbilical cord

• from the first contraction to their arrival at the hospital with a 5-minute old baby

• surprising similarities other parents experienced during their last trimester that resulted in unusually short (one hour or less) labors