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2012 Wyatt-MacKenzie Releases

The Chalk Circle: Intercultural Prizewinning Essays Tara L. Masih, Ed.

ISBN: 978-1-936214-71-6
218 Pages, 5.5 x 8.5
$14.95 Paperback
Pub Date: May 2012

Award-winning editor Tara L. Masih put out a call in 2007 for Intercultural Essays dealing with the subjects of  “culture, race, and a sense of place.” The prizewinners are gathered for the first time in a ground-breaking anthology that explores many facets of culture not previously found under one cover. The powerful, honest, thoughtful voices—Native American, African American, Asian, European, Jewish, White—speak daringly on topics not often discussed in the open, on subjects such as racism, anti-Semitism, war, self-identity, gender, societal expectations. Their words will entertain, illuminate, take you to distant lands, and spark important discussions about our humanity, our culture, and our place within society and the natural world.

Includes extensive, in-depth discussion questions for book clubs and instructors, along with fun, challenging “NET assignments” for high school and college students.

Introduction by acclaimed writer David Mura


Dear Dad, It’s Over: Turning Custody into Candor M Dickson

ISBN: 978-1-936214-67-9
132 Pages, 5 x 8
$14.50 Paperback
Pub Date: May 2012

M’s parents divorced when she was seven. Over the years she had a roller coaster of a relationship with her father, and now at 26 she has decided to “break up” with him for her own well-being.

A funny journey through the emotions and events that led to the "Dear Dad" letter day will resonate with anyone who has experienced an absent parent, endured step-family, and undergone the self-exploration and self-preservation which goes along with handling these askew relationships.



Little Miss Merit Badge: A Memoir
Dr. Ronda Beaman

ISBN: 978-1-936214-47-1
252 Pages, 5.5 x 8.5
$16.00 Paperback
Pub Date: Feb. 2012

“I was hooked by the age of 6.”

So begins the memoir of a girl whose 17-year-old parents dropped ice cubes down her diapers to make her dance, whose bare-chested grandmother gave her singing lessons, whose brother tried to get rid of her with a strategically dropped boulder, and who moved so many times she barely got desk assignments at school, let alone had time to make any friends. The on-going, outrageous dysfunction, and denial in her life was enough to turn anyone into an addict.

Nationally recognized university professor and internationally renowned speaker Ronda Beaman confesses her drug of choice was earning Girl Scout badges. Lots of them. And she never quite kicked the habit.