Are you ready to be published?

If you are interested in becoming a member of the WyMac Publishing Cooperative and have a final, edited manuscript ready to go, a solid platform, and a spirit of cooperaton, follow the steps below AFTER you have taken our Secret to Publishing class.

e-mail a concise paragraph for each item:
1. your biographical information

2. publishing experience - have you published in the past, have you submitted this manuscript for consideration to other publishers, have you self-published or are you considering it?

3. title of book and short description

4. your platform (the audience interested in your book) and how you are currently reaching your market

please attach to email: excerpt from your manuscript

6. an outline of your marketing plan for the book

7. if possible: the completed Handout from the Secret to Publishing class

Send to: with Subject: WyMac Co-Op SUBMISSION.

Or mail to: Wyatt-MacKenzie, WyMac Co-Op SUBMISSIONS, 15115 Hwy 36, Deadwood, OR 97430.

Be sure to include your mailing address and phone number.

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Once we review your application, if you are a fit for the Wymac imprint we will schedule a personal interview to hear you talk about your book. We will then share all of the details of our publishing contract and the costs of membership.

If, for any reason, we are not able to assist you in publishing your book, we will provide suggestions and resources.
