2005 INTERVIEW with PMA - The Independent Book Publishers Association (now ibpa)

PMA: Name of your press

Wyatt-MacKenzie Publishing, Inc.

PMA: Year founded


PMA: Why did you become a book publisher?

To empower creative moms by fulfilling their dreams of being published or producing a product line. I knew I could help working mothers, like myself, build a career around their talent—and that included having books, kits, and other powerfully branded products to sell, and leave a legacy along the way.

PMA: What do you like best about publishing?

The enthusiastic voicemails I get from my authors when they held their books for the first time, garnered their first review, landed a book request from The Oprah Winfrey Show, or learned that they will be featured on The View next month. Amongst the screams and tears of joy is a proud, passionate woman—who will inspire and excite her children with the news.

PMA: What do you publish?

I publish mom writers who have an understanding of the publishing and publicity process, have begun to build a clear platform, and are already reaching their market in some way—whether it's a web site, a newsletter, teaching, counseling, or contributing to her community.

PMA: What is the most effective form of marketing for your press?

Tying in current events with a title or author efforts and posting a poignant, helpful, and engaging press release on www.PrWeb.com.

PMA: How do you define a successful title?

-- One that is reviewed with praise from its community, so much that every response starts with, "We have waited years for _________ to publish her book! This is just the book that is needed at this time."

-- One that empowers, and enables, the author to launch a lucrative career.

-- One that makes the author's children's faces beam with pride.

PMA: Tell us about one of your titles about which you are especially proud.

Oh, I am equally proud of them all! That is like asking which child I love more - Wyatt or MacKenzie. There are two I feel will cause a paradigm shift in their markets, "Silent Heroes: Courageous Families Living with Depression and Mentall Illness" by Maureen Focht, M.S. aims to remove the stigma families of the mentally ill face, and to empower them with resources to help themselves, and their loved ones. And "Connection Parenting: Parenting Through Connection instead of Coercion, Through Love instead of Fear" by Pam Leo will be a paradigm shift in parenting.

PMA: What has been your biggest challenge in achieving success?

Covering the costs of success - it seems the more successful a book becomes, the more money you need (and justify) putting into it. If a talk show wants to give away copies to the audience - of course you are thrilled, will the sales from the appearance cover the costs and the expedited shipping because they called at the last minute? Probably not. But you'll parlay this media into more, such as paying for an ad which regales the latest media success, which, of course, costs more money.

PMA. What advice do you have for newcomers to book publishing?

Prove the market of your book and the publicity power of your author before determining the size of your press run. Also know that the dream of having "a book in every bookstore" that every author has is an expensive dream requiring printing 20,000+ books and can result in 80% returns if you don't get major, major media within the two months it hits the stores.

PMA: How will you and your company be positioned in five years?

As the international leading publisher of mom writers known for elevating authors to a level of success in their career, family, and community beyond their wildest dreams. Our Mom-Writers Publishing Cooperative will continue to produce 8-12 titles per year, share their publicity and profits, and in five years we will be a force of over 50 well-known women authors touring the world, setting an example, and helping other moms to realize their publishing and career goals.

When you're not fully immersed in publishing, what do you do for fun?

When am I not fully immersed in publishing? I'd be four-wheelin' with my kids and their dad out here on the Oregon coast - it's almost as much of an adrenalin rush as Harpo Studios calling, almost.

PMA:Jan Nathan, Executive Director